Portfolio page showing large images in a masonry layout for each portfolio project.

Portfolio Redesign

Ethan Glover

My design sense is simple. Blue and white. Box shadows. That's it. I find a lot of popular designs today to be ugly, difficult to read, confusing, and more focused on a sense of look than usability.

My design choices tend to be a more “modern” version of something like Paul Graham's essays. I think that page looks far better and is more practical than anything I've seen on sites like Dribbble.

However, I've never liked what my portfolio page looked like. So with a few simple changes, I moved things to a masonry grid and put more focus on images, reducing the amount of text.

At the end of the day, I think this type of style pulls attention away from the projects themselves and lends itself to being judged on the way the page looks visually. Which is not what I want to happen.

But I also think it conveys the message of “I've done a lot of stuff, I continue to do a lot of stuff, if you want to know about specific projects, ask.” Focusing too much on one or two large projects takes away from the fact that those large projects don't require every feature.

Google Maps, Picture in Picture, games, music and video players, drag and drop interfaces, timers... these are things I don't get to show off in big projects.

My portfolio page is not the same as projects I might show off on a resume, or my GitHub homepage. They are a random assortment of stuff I've worked on recently.

With that, I think it's completely appropriate to adopt a little modern design to shift focus away from technical details, and more into showing a bunch of pictures with links.

That's the message I see in modern design, and it works well here.