Recommended Courses

I have been maintaining this list of courses for 5.73 yrs. It's meant as a way to provide a straightforward curriculum of what you need to learn for development. It's updated constantly, but at any given point in time, I believe this is the best way to get started with, and learn everything you need to know to work with the web and beyond.

These courses will take a while to get through, so I do recommend signing up for Pro accounts instead of buying one-time courses. So in the beginner section, check out Udemy Pro. Keep going with Udemy Pro for Academind's courses. Once you're through those, cancel it, move on to AlgoExpert, and so on. In the final section, I quickly mention the subscriptions I think are worth keeping in the long term.

Beginner: Colt Steele

I believe Colt Steele is the most beginner-friendly instructor out there. He's interesting, knowledgeable, and approaches topics in an easy-to-digest way. Colt Steele has brought his developer bootcamp to Udemy and continues to update it every year with modern technology.

Colt Steele courses

Take as many of his courses as you like, but at a minimum, I highly recommend taking these:

Learn to Build: Academind

Academind has long been a great source for following along with projects for multiple frameworks. Which is an excellent way to get an introduction to all of a frameworks features.

Academind has its own paid subscription, but most, if not all, the courses are also available on Udemy. I recommend these courses at a minimum, but take as many as you like:


Learn the Web: Frontend Masters

Frontend Masters has world-class instructors leading lecture style workshops on just about everything.

I recommend simply just following the learning paths, even the beginner and professional paths that will feel below your skill level at this point. There is still a lot of good to pick up. However, I would avoid the framework courses (React/Angular/Vue). Frontend Masters and its community is notably anti-framework. This isn't the place you want to learn about industry tooling. But their deep dives into vanilla tech will make you a better user of frameworks.

Frontend Masters

Learn Algorithms: AlgoExpert

AlgoExpert is a great way to learn complex algorithms, the site includes video explanations and walkthroughs for every problem. This gets seriously difficult very quickly. But it's worth getting through.

This does NOT include other AlgoExpert products like SystemsExpert, Frontend Expert, etc.



I always recommend keeping up to date with recently published books in the field. Here are my recommended publishers and authors: